Selected Candidates through recruitment process of BECIL, may verify the appointment letter for its authenticity through BECIL HR Department or 0120-4177850.
Advt no. 509: Applications are invited in offline mode for recruitment of post purely on contract basis for Press Registrar General of India (PRGI) at Soochna Bhawan, Lodhi Road, CGO Complex, New Delhi.
Advt No. 508: Applications are invited for Engagement of Station Head Cum Station Manager purely on contract basis. The current place of posting will be MPUAT, Udaipur.
Advt No. 506: Offline applications are invited by BECIL(RO), Bangalore Office for recruitment of manpower purely on contract basis for a period of 6 months/1 year/till the completion of project whichever is earlier for Deployment at SPICES BOARD.
Advt No. 505: Applications are invited in Offline Mode for recruitment of manpower purely on contract basis for deployment in the office of AIIMS, Jammu.
Advt No. 504: Applications are invited in Offline Mode for recruitment of manpower purely on contract basis for deployment in the office of AIIMS, Jammu.