Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL) is a public sector enterprise under the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India. We specialize in providing consultancy services in the areas of broadcasting, telecommunication, and IT. Our mission is to offer high-quality, innovative solutions to meet the needs of our clients and contribute to the growth of the broadcasting and media industry in India.

Our site aims to serve as a comprehensive platform for providing information about BECIL and its range of services to the general public.

We have made multiple efforts to ensure that the information on this site is reliable, comprehensive, and accurate. The content is a result of collaborative efforts across various departments within BECIL, and we continuously strive to enhance the site in terms of content, design, and technology.

  1. Content Archival Policy (CAP) 
  2. Content Review Policy (CRP)
  3. Contigency Management Plan
  4. Content Contribution, Moderation And Approval Policy (CMAP) 
  5. Copyright Policy For the BECIL Website
  6. Hyperlinking Policy 
  7. Privacy Policy 
  8. Security Policy 

We appreciate your visit to our site and welcome any feedback you may have to help us improve and better serve your needs.

For further information or queries, please reach out to us through the contact details provided on our Contact Page.

Thank you for visiting the official BECIL website.