Content Contribution, Moderation And Approval Policy (CMAP) 

1. Introduction 

The Content Contribution, Moderation, and Approval (CMAP) Policy governs the submission, review, and publication of content on the Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Limited (BECIL) website. This policy ensures that all content aligns with BECIL’s standards of quality, accuracy, and appropriateness while fostering a collaborative environment for contributors. 

2. Content Contribution 

  • Eligibility: Content can be contributed by BECIL employees, affiliated organizations, subject matter experts, and other authorized individuals. 

  • Submission Guidelines: 

  • Contributors must ensure that all content is original, accurate, and relevant to the mission and objectives of BECIL. 

  • Content must not infringe on the intellectual property rights of others, and proper attribution must be provided for any third-party content used. 

  • All contributions should be free of defamatory, offensive, or otherwise inappropriate material. 

  • Content should be submitted through the designated channels and in the specified format (e.g., text, images, videos). 

3. Content Moderation 

  • Review Process: 

  • All submitted content undergoes a moderation process to ensure compliance with BECIL’s content standards and policies. 

  • The moderation team, consisting of designated BECIL personnel, will review content for accuracy, relevance, and appropriateness. 

  • Content that does not meet the required standards may be rejected, returned for revision, or edited to align with BECIL’s guidelines. 

  • Moderation Criteria: 

  • Accuracy: Content must be fact-checked and supported by reliable sources. 

  • Relevance: Content should align with BECIL’s mission, objectives, and target audience. 

  • Language and Tone: Content should be clear, professional, and free from grammatical errors. 

  • Compliance: Content must adhere to legal and regulatory requirements, including copyright and privacy laws. 

4. Content Approval 

  • Approval Authority: Final approval for publication on the BECIL website rests with the designated content approval authority, typically a senior officer or a designated committee within BECIL. 




  • Approval Process: 

  • Once content passes the moderation stage, it is forwarded to the approval authority for final review. 

  • The approval authority may request further revisions or approve the content for immediate publication. 

  • Approved content will be published according to the website’s content management schedule. 

5. Content Updates and Maintenance 

  • Periodic Review: Published content will undergo periodic reviews to ensure it remains accurate, relevant, and up-to-date. 

  • Amendments: Contributors may be required to update or revise content based on changes in information, policies, or other relevant factors. 

  • Archiving: Outdated or obsolete content may be archived or removed from the website as deemed necessary by BECIL. 

6. Responsibilities of Contributors 

  • Accuracy and Integrity: Contributors are responsible for ensuring the accuracy, integrity, and originality of the content they submit. 

  • Compliance: Contributors must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and BECIL’s internal policies when creating and submitting content. 

  • Timeliness: Contributors should adhere to deadlines and timelines set by BECIL for content submission and revision. 

7. Rights and Ownership 

  • Intellectual Property: BECIL retains full ownership of all content published on its website. By submitting content, contributors grant BECIL a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual license to use, reproduce, modify, and distribute the content. 

  • Acknowledgment: Contributors may be acknowledged for their contributions on the website, subject to BECIL’s discretion. 

8. Dispute Resolution 

  • Resolution Process: In the event of a disagreement regarding content contribution, moderation, or approval, the issue shall be escalated to the content approval authority or a designated dispute resolution committee within BECIL. 

  • Final Decision: The decision of the content approval authority or dispute resolution committee shall be final and binding. 

9. Amendments 

BECIL reserves the right to amend or modify this CMAP Policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes will be posted on this page, and continued contribution or use of the website after such changes will constitute acceptance of the new terms.